

Friday, April 04, 2008

Mount Ophir @ Gunung Ledang

.... Sekarang fikirkan… Adakah sejarah yang dikemukakan ini benar dan tepat? Kalau benar Vasco de Gamma adalah orang Eropah pertama menemui jalan ke India, bagaimanakah pemikir purba Yunani, Ptolemy yang diakui sejarahwan Barat sebagai salah seorang ahli falak dan pelukis peta (cartographer) teragung dahulukala boleh bercerita malah melukis sebuah peta purba yang agak lengkap tentang Golden Chersonese iaitu Semenanjung Tanah Melayu lebih 2,000 tahun lalu? Bagaimanakah orang Eropah zaman itu boleh mengenali Semenanjung sebagai bumi kaya-raya penuh emas malah menyatakan Mount Ophir atau Gunung Ledang sebagai sebuah lokasi utama Solomon’s Treasure, harta peninggalan Nabi Sulaiman?..

url : http://merahsilu.blogspot.com/20 ... gan-penjajahan.html


King Solomon’s Gold Mines Mount Ophir Gunung Ledang Malacca Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Peninsula Almug (Algum) Tree Red Sandalwood First Temple Pillars I Kings 10 Ancient Transoceanic Voyages Phoenician Navigators

In I Kings 10 of the Old Testament in the Bible, King Solomon sent ships to Ophir for the finest gold and almug wood (for the Temple’spillars). The ships sailed from the Red Sea and headed east, to the Malaysian Peninsula, where the gold mountain there, east of the town of Malacca, which is just down the coast from Kuala Lumpur, was named Ophir, now known as Gunung Ledang, where are ancient mine shafts like honeycombs, from which huge amounts of gold were extracted by methods now unknown to the natives, nor to the Chinese who have also exploited the region through the centuries.

And corroborative of this, that the mines of Ophir were across the vast Indian Ocean, is that also in I Kings 10, the almug (algum) tree, now known as red sandalwood, which grows only in southeast Asia, was sought by Solomon’s fleet to construct the pillars of the First Temple, but how could they have navigated safely there and back, when it is commonly considered that such voyages were impossible because they could not accurately chart their course across a vast ocean?

See the category here Ancient Navigation, to read how they accurately measured time by the stars, with a simple mechanical instrument, and so could measure direction and distance, commonly thought to have been impossible before the invention of Harrison’s chronometer in the 1850’s. You can see that the evidence is solid that Malaysia is the location of Ophir, and now you can know how the ancients actually did navigate the globe in ancient times, exploiting the minerals which were available, such as in the ancient mysteriously complex mines of Mount Ophir, so check it out, and read further in the other categories to see how science and archaeology corroborate the Bible.

url : http://dancingfromgenesis.wordpr ... yages-phoenician-n/


Gunung Ophir yang di kenali sesetengah rakyat tempatan adalah sebuah gunung yang berkeramat, penuh dengan cerita cerita dongeng, cerita puteri puteri, orang orang kayangan, jin jin dan juga bunian. Tidak termasuk lagi cerita yang konon dan sebenarnya puncak Gunung Ophir ini adalah sebenar berada di tengah tengah Kota Atlantis (tok tak niat untuk bercerita pasal Kota Atlantis yang dikatakan hilang ini, dilain kali mungkin tok akan cerita).

Sila lihat wikipedia ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophir) tentang Gunung Ophir. Gunung Ophir ada di sebut di dalam Kitab Injil yang menyatakan tentang kekayaan dan kesucian tempatnya. Ia juga dinyatakan sebagai tempat persinggahan Nabi Allah Sulaiman A.S untuk mengambil beberapa barang yang berharga. Sehingga sekarang kebanyakkan orang masih lagi berbalah tentang lokasi sebenar Gunung Ophir. Ada yang mengatakan ianya berada di Afrika Selatan dan ada juga menyatakan ianya berada di New Zealand. Apa yang tok pasti ianya berada di Malaysia ini. Oleh sebab inilah sempena cuti dan keberkatan tahun Hijrah, Awal Muharram 1429, tok mengambil kesempatan untuk naik ke puncaknya.

url : http://ketualanun.blogspot.com/2 ... ung-ophir-part.html

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.